Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Statement

Judge Memorial Catholic High School's foundational motto “Basileus” takes its meaning from the Greek phrase Basileus Basileōn, which identifies Jesus Christ as “King of Kings” and “Lord of Lords” (Revelation 17:14).  Emblazoned on our school seal is the phrase “Christ the King.”  Throughout the Gospels we are called to build up the Kingdom of God on Earth, where we are to dwell together in “righteousness, peace, and joy” (Romans 14:17).  It is our response to this calling from Christ the King that compels us to become “builders of a more just society.”

As Bulldogs, we believe strongly in the Catholic social teaching of proclaiming that the life and dignity of all persons is sacred, and that recognizing all peoples is foundational to a moral vision of the world. By promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice both at our school and in the wider world, we exemplify this call to action. We believe that God has granted each person gifts in his reflection, and that our community is at its strongest when we dignify and celebrate these inherent gifts in our practices. 

Our school is committed to the awareness and recognition of our diverse stakeholders- including students, parents, faculty and staff. In looking towards our next century as a school, it is more important than ever to recognize that our community is composed of those from a variety of backgrounds and that our faith calls us to welcome everyone who shares in our mission. Grounded in the Jesuit tradition of cura personalis, we believe that caring for all peoples encompasses everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, or economic status.

Jesus Christ taught that we should love one another as he loves us (John 13:34-35). In that spirit, we progress on an educational journey that promotes love for everyone. Central to that message is an engagement in efforts that see historically marginalized groups achieve equitable outcomes. Our Diversity Committee, composed of students, faculty, administrators, and staff, are involved and committed to: enhancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives on our campus; promoting awareness of these and other issues; and helping us all evolve and grow a school that fosters and develops each individual member of our community.